Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Two Emmy winners examine the condition of the Amazon Rain Forest

As I promised yesterday, I'm skipping to the last paragraph in 'Body Team 12' and 'Extremis' both nominated for Outstanding Short Documentary plus other science, health, and environment nominees that mentions a winner for the subject of today's entry.
Two nominees cover the Amazon Rain Forest and its environmental issues.  "La Amazonía: Un Paraíso A La Venta" from Univision earned a nomination for Outstanding Feature Story in Spanish.  "Deforestation in the Amazon InfoGuide" from The Council on Foreign Relations has a nomination for Outstanding New Approaches: Current News, where it is competing with "Carbon's Casualties" from The New York Times.  That story details the first crop of climate refugees, including Americans living in Alaska and Louisiana who have to move away from rising sea levels.  I might blog about that even if it doesn't win.
Looking at the list in the image above, it looks like I missed listing a feature story on Monarch Butterflies in my examination of sustainability themed nominees.  The listing of nominees by Tom Llamas as he presented Outstanding Feature Story in Spanish shows I missed another about living in the shadow of oil.

She's absolutely right; without a healthy Amazon, we can't have a healthy planet.  Also, I was lucky that I had already listed the winner while I missed two other nominees that I should have mentioned.

Here is the briefer of two versions of the award-winning report (En Espanol: sorry, no English subtitles).

El río Amazonas, la gran reserva natural del planeta, está en riesgo. Más de 20 mil animales silvestres traficados sólo en Colombia en 2016 y alrededor de 120 mil hectáreas deforestadas  han puesto la alerta. Un recorrido por la zona deja al descubierto lo que los promotores turísticos no quieren que nadie vea.
Translation: The Amazon River, the great nature reserve of the planet, is at risk. More than 20 thousand wild animals were trafficked in Colombia alone in 2016 and approximately 120 thousand hectares deforested have raised an alarm. A tour of the area left uncovered what tourism promoters do not want anybody to see.

Follow over the jump for the other winner.

Watch Scott Kelly, who also presented the award to "Collisions" for Outstanding New Approaches: Documentary list the nominees and give the award for Outstanding New Approaches: Current News Coverage.

Now watch How Deforestation in the Amazon Contributes to Climate Change.

The Amazon is a massive carbon sink, meaning it absorbs more carbon dioxide than it emits. But the forest may only be soaking up half as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it did twenty years ago, according to researchers. They say deforestation and tree die-offs, possibly due to higher carbon dioxide levels in the forest, may be to blame. Deforestation may also be disrupting regional precipitation patterns, and it has been linked to drought in Brazil's southeast. Rising temperatures and drought contribute to the death of trees in the forest, creating a cycle that may lead to further deforestation.

This video is part of "Deforestation in the Amazon," a Council on Foreign Relations InfoGuide presentation: http://www.cfr.org/amazon
That's a really cool video I'll recommend to any of my students who are presenting on deforestation.

I'll return with an post about the two Emmy Awards "The Rachel Maddow Show" won -- after I blog about Hagfish Day, which is tomorrow.  Stay tuned.