Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WXYZ on the contest for Detroit Mayor for the first week of autumn

WXYZ has the latest poll numbers in the contest for Mayor of Detroit.  No surprise, Mike Duggan leading Detroit's mayoral race.

Of all the above man-on-the-street reactions, the one I found most informative was the one about Benny Napoleon cleaning up Detroit's street gangs.  Those names are notorious, but they're also history.  At least I know who to thank for that small victory against crime in Detroit.

Next, WXYZ editorial director Chuck Stokes offers his expert opinion on the poll in EXCLUSIVE POLL: Duggan leading Napoleon.

Before the primary, this election was Napoleon's to lose.  It looks like he's losing it.  Now, it's Duggan's to lose or win.

Finally, as I wrote in Election news from campuses on the campaign trail:
I'm waiting for the results of two recounts, Detroit's and New York City's, to be announced.  Detroit's recount will not change the candidates on the general election ballot; it's another stunt by Tom Barrow, hopefully his last as a politician.
As I described in NYC general election matchups set, the NYC recount is long over.  Detroit's is still dragging on, as shown in Detroit mayoral primary challenge.

Barrow really thinks there are enough fraudulent signatures to change the outcome of the primary.  No, there aren't.  Besides, even if there were, the election results have been certified and the only person who could possibly benefit, Lisa Howse, has already endorsed Duggan.  Barrow is wasting his time and money if he thinks it will change the election and improve people's opinion of him.

Crossposted to Michigan Liberal as Duggan is leading Napoleon 2 to 1 and Barrow is still contesting write-in votes in the recount.

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