Saturday, July 2, 2011

Woman in Oak Park swims against the stream, plus Nablopomo for July

Over on my Dreamwidth and my LiveJournal, I posted the following yesterday.


The following arrived in my email last night.
Hi bloggers,

July's theme for daily blogging: SWIM. Hopefully the Southern Hemisphere will forgive the Northern Hemisphere for having swimming on the brain. But it's more than just pools -- when things are going well, we say they're going swimmingly. We can sink or swim. And of course there are always bloggers swimming against the stream. I think it's a theme everyone can dive into.

As always, bloggers planning on posting every day in July who would like to be on the blogroll can go here and follow the directions at the top of the page. The "official" July badge is here, but please feel free to create your own and add it to the comments there for others to share.
Of course I'm participating. The only question is which blog to submit to the blogroll. I don't have to decide right away. As the instructions at the top of the July blogroll state, "The July blogroll is open until July 4th." I'll probably post to both my Dreamwidth/LiveJournal and Crazy Eddie's Motie News on Blogspot and see how I feel about each on the 4th. Either would work, but I never get worn out from blogging on LJ. I do get burned out knowing I have to blog daily on my Blogspot. Based on that alone, I should probably use my LJ. Since I'm a procrastinator, I'm still waiting until the 4th to decide.
I followed through today by posting "Woman in Oak Park, Michigan, swims against the tide by planting vegetables in her front yard" on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal.
For today's example of "bloggers swimming against the stream," I present Julie Bass of Oak Park, Michigan, who blogs as OakParkHateVeggies on Wordpress. I wrote about her on Crazy Eddie's News on Tuesday in Oak Park Woman plants vegetable garden; city objects, which is the most read post on the blog this week. I guess rebels for sustainability are popular.
She now has a Facebook page up, Oak Park Hates Veggies.
If you're on Facebook, please "Like" her page.

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